First row from left to right: one / two / three / four / five Second row from left to right: six / seven / eight / nine / ten
My favorite article of clothing to wear in the summer is a dress. It is so easy to throw on without much effort and is comfortable and cool to wear all day long.
This Friday Finds is a collection of 10 (although I had a hard time narrowing it down to only 10!) casual dresses under $50. I would wear each and every one of these and had to use some serious self control while putting this together.
Dressed down with sneakers or dressed up with sandals, the dress, to me, is the most versatile thing to own in your closet.
Yesterday, Grant and I made the move to our apartment and first home together in Oxford, Mississippi. It is so fun putting together a home — even if it is just for a short year before moving again! I can’t wait to share all of the details of that with you soon!
Thanks for reading!