New Year Check In

Hi y’all!

Since we are officially a month in to the new year, I figured it’s probably time for a check in.

How are you doing? How are you feeling? Are you drinking plenty of water? How are your New Year’s Resolutions coming along?

I am feeling great right now. I struggled with a little winter slump in the beginning of January (read my post here talking about how I got over it) and have realized that there is so much to be grateful for and so much to look forward to!

Grant is taking a section of the CPA soon so he is on the study grind. Which means I can’t bother him with alll my miscellaneous blog questions and it has already taught me that I can do (some) of it by myself!

Example: I recorded an IGTV video by myself, edited it by myself , figured out how to make it vertical to fit Instagram dimensions by myself, AND added a voiceover ALL BY MYSELF! I watched a million Youtube videos BUT I did eventually figure it out!

I get frustrated with myself (and especially technology) very very easily (anyone else??) so I’m adding to my New Year’s Resolutions to become more independent and teach myself more about technology.

It’s hard because Grant is the MOST tech savvy person I have ever met and I always know he can fix anything. However, most of the time he watches a Youtube video about it first, so I’m trying out that approach, before I go to him.

ALSO! I’m currently feeling ~motivated~ because a new friend of mine started her own blog after listening to my podcast!

During my winter slump, I was really being hard on myself about my blog and how little it was growing and how certain content was performing. Then one day out of the blue, I got the sweetest message from a follower telling me how inspired she was from my podcast (@becoming_a_blogger) and decided to start her blog!

I mean, wow.

Leave a comment and let me know how you are doing!

Thanks for reading!

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