Q & A! Answering Some Of Your Questions!

Hi! Today, I thought it would be fun to share a little Q&A with you! Y’all always have great questions 🙂

Q: Where did you go to college?

Grant and I both went to The University of Mississippi! That’s where we met 🙂 How we met blog post linked here

Q: Were you in a sorority in college?

Yes! I am now a Chi Omega alum!

Q: What has been the most rewarding part of blogging?

I have 2 answers for this question!

  1. Definitely the community and friends I have made
  2. Being able to track and see the the progress of my blog over time!

Q: Favorite books & book recommendations?

Here is a link to a blog post I did with all of my favorite books! I’m also currently reading Malibu Rising and am loving it so far — a great summer read!

Q: Are you planning to find a job in Boston or blog full-time? If so, what kind of job?

Yes! I will start working soon at a retail store right around the corner from our apartment. It won’t be completely full time, which I’m hoping will give me more time to work on my blog.

Q: Favorite spot you’ve discovered in Boston so far?

This is a hard one! We haven’t had a ton of time to really explore yet but one of our long time favorites before we even moved up here is Russell House Tavern in Cambridge for some yummy food! I also love all of the parks & places to walk around when it’s nice out!

However, we have a long Boston to-do list and I’ll be sure to share and report back!

Q: What’s one thing you do everyday without a fault?

This is hard! Besides anything hygiene related, I guess working on my blog? Whether it’s Pinterest, Instagram, YT, Tik Tok, I’m always working on something related to that — & I love it!

Q: How are you adjusting to Boston life?

Very well! I mean, we’ve only been here a month so definitely still getting settled and finding our footing and routine. Once I start working I think it will be even better because then I’ll be able to meet more people 🙂

Q: Hair routine?

I have an IGTV video and blog post about all of the products I use! I haven’t changed a thing. I’m pretty low maintenance in that area!

Thank you for your questions! If you have any more, leave a comment on this post 🙂

Thanks for reading!

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