10 Easy Ways to Create a Healthy, Happy Lifestyle

Hi y’all! Let’s talk about some easy ways to create a healthy, happy, lifestyle.

Starting the New Year with goals in mind is always a great way to get a head start on the year!

If you missed it, here is a post I wrote sharing my New Year’s Resolutions for 2022.

In the past, I would set either extreme goals, too broad of goals, or too many goals…and those got old quick!

Society today focuses away from “diet culture” and more towards “changing of lifestyle” which, has proven very effective!

So today, I wanted to start some super easy tips that I implement into my everyday routine that help my mind, my body, and my soul! (do I sound like a yoga instructor? lol)

10 easy ways to create a healthy, happy, lifestyle
10 easy ways to create a healthy, happy, lifestyle

Tip #1 Drink water, and lots of it

Here is the link to a post I wrote a while ago about Hydrating Yourself to Clear Skin.

Not only is water simply good for you, it can also help with weight-loss and acne.

Most times, when I think I’m hungry, I’m just thirsty! I started tracking my water intake in 2020 and have kept it up ever since. It helped clear up my skin insanely well and when I’ve been slacking on my water drinking, it almost immediately starts to show on my face.

And I don’t know about you, but when I have clear skin, my confidence is significantly better!

Tip #2 Make your bed

I was homeschooled from the 3rd grade through high school and our first assignment of everyday was to make our bed.

Still to this day, it is one of the first things I do and my day feels incomplete when that simple task isn’t done.

Even if you get nothing done the entire day, at least you’ll know you accomplished making your bed!

Tip #3 Organize your living space

Is it just me or when my house is a mess my life is a mess?!

I live for a good closet organizing or clean out.

Cleaning out your space and donating a thing or two is going to make you feel 10lbs lighter — I promise!

Tip #4 Read something

Another thing my parents implemented while we were growing up was: if there was ever a book we wanted to read, they would get it for us. My parents taught us all (me and my 3 other siblings) to love reading. I have such fond memories of all of us piled around my mom on the sofa as she would read us a book.

Reading is so good for your brain! And honestly, more entertaining than watching any show or movie.

Here is the link to a blog post I wrote about my favorite books if you need suggestions!

Tip #5 Get outside

Going outside and getting some fresh air is something I’ve come to crave as I’ve gotten older.

Sit outside and and listen to the sounds around you.

Go for a walk.

Ride a bike.

Sit on a blanket in a park.

It’s so good for you!

Tip #6 Learn something new

This doesn’t have to be a new language (it could be!) or anything too crazy.

Stimulating your brain to learn something new is a great exercise for your mind.

It could be as simple as finding a new hobby or starting a collection of something you’re passionate about.

For me, I learn something new about blogging just about every day. Yes, it’s my side hustle but it’s also my hobby. I love learning, creating, and sharing with all of you!

Tip #7 Unplug

Social media and our phones/screens in general can be a blessing and a curse.

I feel like sometimes we get sucked into this fake, little world on the internet where people are only showing the perfect parts of their lives and we start comparing ourselves.

The media can cause so much stress and anxiety and who needs ANY more of that in their lives?!

One of my resolutions this year is to limit my screen time and it’s really something I’m hoping to stick to because I know I get sucked into the comparison game so easily.

Tip #8 Vegetables are friends!

It can be hard to eat a balanced diet 24/7 — & no one is perfect!

I try to eat as many fruits and veggies as best as I can (I don’t always succeed) but when I am able to get them in, it’s an immediate mood and energy boost.

And if you don’t like veggies, maybe try to find a way to spice them up!

Half-baked Harvest & The Defined Dish always have the best veggie recipes.

Tip #9 Make a new friend

Having people in your life that you can talk to, relate took share struggles with, is the best medicine!

Whether it’s a long distance friendship, a long-time friend, or a first time coffee date, being with people is good for the soul.

Especially after a few years of ~social distancing~ we have all become a little disconnected from our people. Humans. Friends.

Don’t be afraid to put yourself out there and ask someone to coffee! It’s low risk, low commitment, but will hopefully leave you with a sense of connectedness.

We could all use more of that in our lives!

Tip #10 Remember that life is short

Sorry to get a little sappy on my last tip buttt it’s maybe the best one!

If a year of quarantine has taught us anything, it’s that life is short.

For me, May 2020, at home with my parents after graduating college, I started this blog. It’s something I always wanted to do and never dreamt I’d have the time, skill, or confidence to do it.

At the end of the day, if today was your last day, what do you wish you would have done?

So. Life is short, you are kind, you are smart, you are important, you are LOVED!

Cheers to a great year!

Thanks for reading!

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