Hi y’all! I am long overdue to share a good & grateful list! Check out my last one here 🙂
If you’re new, welcome! This is a little series I’ve kept up with since the beginning of starting my blog in 2020. It’s just a sweet little list I put together every couple of months with of all the things that are good and that I’m grateful for right now in my life.

I like to think of these as a little catch up so grab your coffee or drink of choice, and let’s get in to it 🙂
1. Our Apartment
If you’ve been following along on my YouTube and are subscribed to my newsletter, you’ve already seen the news that we recently found out that we ARE able to renew our lease on our apartment for another year! This was such unexpected news that we received and I honestly still can’t believe we don’t have to move for another year. It’s been a huge answered prayer and I have a new found appreciation for our apartment!
2. Good Health
I don’t want to jinx myself here —- but, I am so thankful for good health and a body that is able to move and workout and be physically strong.
Grant is doing 75 hard (read about the challenge here) right now and although I am not technically doing 75 hard, I have been participating in the workouts and diet and it’s been a great challenge in our lives. It’s also given me so much more energy! I have 2 legs and 2 arms that work and for that, I’m grateful.
3. Watermelon Season
I am currently eating a bowl of watermelon as I type this — lol!
One aspect of 75 hard is no alcohol for 75 days. Which, honestly hasn’t been difficult but I do enjoy changing up my beverages every now and then — which is where watermelon comes in handy!

I’ve been making this little watermelon slush almost everyday and have become obsessed! I just blend together frozen watermelon, mint, and add some plain sparkling water for a little fizz. So good!
Grateful for all the yummy watermelons I’ve gotten from TJ’s!
4. A New Devotional
My mom sent me this new devotional called Fighting Words by Ellie Holcomb and I’ve been loving it so far! It focuses on memorizing scripture to keep in your heart for when you need “fighting words” in difficult or tough times.
I’m also just the biggest fan of Ellie Holcomb so I highly recommend anything she shares 🙂
Thanks for reading!