Getting Out of a Winter Slump

After the holidays, things can feel a little… depressing.

I feel like there was so much anticipation looking forward to the new year and then we were quickly brought back to reality of… you know, everything.

However, after recently watching the new Disney movie, Soul, (GREAT movie) I realized how precious time is.

Ultimately, what good does it do to sit around and wait for things to improve like: your health, your relationships, you’re bad habits, etc.

Speaking of bad habits, I am currently reading Atomic Habits and it is a game changer! Grant got the book and read it before me and I was so interested I started it as well. It’s great.

It is so interesting to me to see how a habit is formed and how it is broken.

I feel like the practices taught in the book are going to significantly help me with some goals I have for the year! (2 of them being flossing my teeth more and stretching every morning)

Anyway, in order to get myself out of this winter slump, I’m taking some of my own advice (read the post for my tips here!) and getting my life together.

I’ve been focusing a lot on my New Year’s resolutions. I am very determined to successfully accomplish them this year. (Read about my resolutions in this post!)

Grant and I joined a gym that is literally right around the corner from us and it has been so great for our mental and physical health. Even walking for 20 mins leaves me sore these days but ya gotta start somewhere!

I mentioned this a little in my newsletter (be sure to sign up!) but I have also been expanding my horizons with cooking! It used to feel like a chore, but now I am feeling more confident and love making our menu each week! (I love The Defined Dish and Half-baked Harvest recipes!)


Trying something new, learning something new, or setting a goal has really helped me feel calm, confident, and like I have a purpose. Which, has helped me get over this winter slump.

Are you feeling this way too? Leave a comment or shoot me a DM and let me know if so, and what you do to get out of a funk!

Thanks for reading!

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