Good & Grateful List // No. 1

Pajama Set / Mug was a gift from a friend 🙂

I hope everyone is having a great week so far! Grant and I are enjoying some down time before he starts grad school and I start working.

The season of life I am in, and I’m sure a lot of post-grads are in right now, is probably one of the biggest transitions we will have in our lives for a while.

For some, it’s another year of grad school, for others, it’s figuring out where you’ll be and what job you’ll be working.

For me, I am figuring out post-grad life, married life, and working life. All during a pandemic.

These changes and transitions have been very exciting, but for someone who takes a while to process change and emotions, it can sometimes feel overwhelming!

I am a big believer in journaling. I started journaling after I read Annie F. Downs book, Speak Love (great, great read for any age!). It’s the best way for me to get my thoughts in order and realize how I am actually feeling. It helps me process.

As I was thinking of what to write next, I was reminded of my friends who are in a similar stage in life, as well as anyone feeling overwhelmed with the uncertainty of the world right now.

I decided to start this series “Good & Grateful”. It’s simply a compilation of all things good and things I’m grateful for. I’m hoping this can be inspiring and offer a new perspective and add a little pep to your step!

1. Good Health

Especially right now, and right after our wedding, I am so grateful for good health amongst my friends and family.

2. Education

I am grateful for my education, but maybe even more so, to be finished with college! There is much more for me to learn about life, myself, blogging, etc., but I’m excited to be free from the bonds of silly assignments and 8 am classes.

3. A Kitchen

Living in my college town as an graduate, working, married adult, feels so weird! A good weird. I’m grateful that I don’t have to constantly be thinking where my next meal will come from. Grant and I both love to cook and we are so glad to have a kitchen & groceries and not have to eat out every single meal.

4. Work

I have been looking for a job since we moved to Oxford and because of COVID-19, no one is really looking to hire. Especially in a small town where stores are trying not to over-crowd; job opportunities are slim.

Thankfully, I had an interview on Tuesday with my #1 choice of places to work and will start the training process there soon! This has truly been an answered prayer and a weight off my shoulders.

It won’t be full-time so I am still searching for something else to fill in the gaps. But like I said, I’m very grateful for this opportunity!

5. The Ability to Exercise

This goes along with health, but I am grateful to have a body that is able to exercise and be used to its full potential. Before the wedding, I was working out every single day and had a great schedule and motivation. Now, I don’t have as much motivation and my workouts these days are mostly walking and at-home videos. Once I get in a new routine, I’m excited to add it back in to my regular schedule!

Let me know in the comments what you’re grateful for! I know there are many more things I could have added to my list. Look forward to the next Good & Grateful List!

Thanks for reading!

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