Good & Grateful List // No. 2

joggers / sweater is old from Old Navy similar linked here & here / sneakers

Coming at ya with another Good & Grateful List today! (Here’s my first one if you missed it!)

I created this series to keep myself (& you!) accountable to take a minute and be reminded of the things (big & small) that we are grateful for.

In a world filled with so much chaos and disruption, it’s healthy to take a step back and reflect on all the good that we have in our lives.

1. Cooler Temperatures

The weather we have been having lately is dreamy! I love watching the leaves change and smelling the cool air– gives me all the cozy fall feels!!

2. Technology

This can sometimes be a hard thing to be grateful for. It can easily be used negatively. People can take things the wrong way, read things differently than intended, become jealous or play the comparison game. The list can go on and on.

On the flip side, there are so many ways it can be used positively!

Community is a huge thing I am grateful for through social media, my blog specifically. I have made so many friends (already!) through my first 4 months of blogging. I truly appreciate the people who love & support me through Louise Montgomery Blog & I’m so grateful for that!

3. Fall Food

The food & treats that come with fall are my absolute favorite out of any season.

Chili & cornbread, squash soup, pumpkin bread, spice muffins, and my favorite of all, my dad’s homemade trash. (not literal trash, it’s the best homemade Chex mix ever) He makes it every year, closer to Thanksgiving, and it makes the house smell so yummy!

4. Being Close to Home

This is something I’m really trying not to take for granted right now. Grant and I are itching to be in Boston already! (Here’s the low down if you didn’t know!) But we are grateful to have both of our families closer now than they would be if we were in Boston.

It’s also been nice with receiving & exchanging wedding gifts (a seemingly never ending process!) we are able to pop back and forth and bring up loads at a time (and write thank you notes loads at a time) I know it would be a much more difficult process if we were in Boston right now.

5. Sundays

I am so grateful for a day where we can focus on resting & take some time to prepare for the week ahead.

Grant and I have really gotten in to watching Elevation church and we are obsessed with Steven Furtick and his precious wife, Holly.

I would highly recommend watching this message that Steven delivered a couple of weeks ago. Grant and I haven’t been able to stop talking about it!

Thanks for reading!

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