Happy Thanksgiving!!
I hope you are all happily surrounded by the ones you love today.
This year, more than ever, we have had to strive to stay positive and see the good in the world, and in our everyday lives.
I know, at times, it has been really, really difficult. A lot of us have taken hard hits with jobs, physical health, and mental health.
Let us never forget, that in the midst of it all, He is still good. There is a greater plan in store for us and we have to trust that in the end, it will all be okay.
Good & Grateful List // No. 3
1. Family
I know, this sounds cliche on Thanksgiving day.
However, this year we have all spent a little more family time than maybe ever before! We’ve gotten on each others nerves at times, but hey, they’re family. And they’ll love you, and you’ll love them, no matter what. And I’m so grateful for that.
And for family members lost, holidays can become a time where we miss them the most. I’m grateful knowing that they are in a better place and were loved so well, making us miss them even more.
2. My Blog
I started this blog in the midst of quarantine for many reasons: 1. I have always wanted to start blogging again and take it full time 2. I needed to come out of quarantine and be able to say I did something productive 3. I was about to lose. my. mind. and needed a creative outlet.
Every like, comment, purchase, and share has truly meant so much to me and has made me realize that if I work hard enough at something, I will eventually see results.
I’m very grateful for each and every one of you who supports me on this platform. <3
3. My Barefoot Dreams Joggers
Y’all have heard me rave about this many times by now, but I’m just not over them!
They were a pretty spontaneous find/purchase and they are my new #1 go-to in my closet.
Especially on Thanksgiving, after feasting all day, these are nice and forgiving and you won’t be able to feel that third piece of pumpkin pie!

4. 2021
I’m very much looking forward to a new year and starting fresh!
Setting new goals and reaching old ones is such a satisfying feeling and I always look forward to the reset each year.
I’m grateful for 2020 and the ups and downs it held. We all grew from the hardships and maybe even became better people because of it!
Psalm 106:1, “Praise the Lord. Give thanks to the Lord, for He is good; His love endures forever.”
Thanks for reading!