Hi y’all! I’m so happy to be bringing you another Good & Grateful List to continue my series!
To see my other G&G Lists, you can find them under my Lifestyle tab!
We have so much to be grateful for, even when it might not seem like it.
1. Finding a church home
This was one of my biggest worries about moving to Boston– that we wouldn’t be able to find a good, normal church.
Of course, I shouldn’t have worried because God always shows up and works things out even better than I could ever imagine.
After doing some research, I was able to find a new, growing church that might just be perfect for us.
We attended for the first time a few Sundays ago and loved it!
They even have an awesome connect group for new people like us, to meet people and make friends.
Truly and answered prayer!
2. Job update
I am so grateful to have a job so conveniently located to where we live!
However, it doesn’t feel like a good fit.
I am very much looking around and have applied to other jobs that I think would work better for me but in the meantime, I am thankful for the one I have.
3. My parents coming in town this weekend!
This weekend, my parents are coming to visit us in Boston!
We can’t wait to see them and show them around our new city.
4. My sweet blogging community
This week, and every week, y’all have showed up and I’m so grateful for you!
I love receiving DM’s from you guys — it sometimes brings me to tears how sweet and supportive y’all are even when I feel like I’m not doing that great!
What are you grateful for today?
Thanks for reading!