Hello 2023!

Hi y’all! Happy (almost) New Year

I can’t believe we’re about to start another year. 2022 absolutely flew by for me!

It was such a great year packed with some big life events.

In January, I was working from home full-time and hustling with my blog on the side.

By May, I left my job to take on blogging as my full-time job. It was a crazy nerve-wracking decision but it felt right and I’m so thankful I was able to take that next step.

In June, I turned 23!

In July, Grant and I celebrated our 2nd wedding anniversary in Fredericksburg, Texas 🙂

October 1st we picked up our sweet little Remi girl <3

I’ve always made a New Years Resolution post in the past but honestly, they are always (pretty much) the same!

Eat better, workout more, etc.

This past year, I honestly felt like I stuck to most of my resolutions and am planning to continue that in to 2023.

A book I read in 2020 that really changed my mindset on everything is Atomic Habits. I’m thinking I’m going to re-read it to refresh my memory and get motivated to start the new year off strong. I highly recommend it to anyone who hasn’t read it yet.

Let me know what you resolutions are in the comments 🙂

I’m so excited to see what 2023 holds! Cheers!

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