How To Find Your Home Decor Style (Pictures & Details I Love!)

Hi y’all! I know a lot of you found me through my Tik Tok — specifically my home decor videos!

I am always getting asked to share home inspiration as I know many of you are around the same age as me and are moving, buying, or renting, and don’t know where to begin decorating. I’m here to help!

I am constantly saving & pinning home inspo — Follow me on Pinterest if you aren’t already!

I know these are mostly actual homes with legit interior design expertise but that’s why it’s called inspiration! It’s meant to be recreated in your own, personal way.

One (of many) helpful tips my mom gave me when we started decorating our first home was to simply find things I truly love and won’t get tired of. Yes, finding the perfect things sometime takes a while to hunt down but homes are a never anding project — in the best way!

One of those items includes my dody print footstools. We had them made for my freshman college dorm and and we bought both of them because I knew I’d want to hang on to them. They are still one of my favorite pieces we still have today!

Here are a few pictures that inspire me! Of course, I feel like my style is always changing, but here are a few things I’m loving right now:

I have conflicting design styles. On one hand, I love vintage, quirky finds, bright wallpaper, and colored furniture. On the other hand, I also love a clean, crisp, more modern look. I am inspired by both and love to mix the two!   

I take a lot of inspiration from these ladies beautiful homes: Nicola Bathie, Julia Berolzheimer, Clare McLaughlin, and Anna Page.

I am constantly sharing (affordable!) home decor finds in my Friday Finds round ups which you can find under the Friday Finds tab on my blog!

Thanks for reading!

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