A lot of people wonder how a girl from Jackson, Mississippi ends up with a boy from Minnesota. And to tell you the truth, I do too. Luckily, and by the grace of God, we crossed paths our junior year of college.
Grant says he first saw me at a mutual friend’s 21st birthday party and then spent the whole night trying to “accidentally” bump into me so we could talk. However, it never ended up happening.
A month and a half later…
I was out with some friends after a football game and this guy walked up and began talking to my friend, Molly. He kept asking her who he should take to formal, but I didn’t think much of it because I had no idea who he was.
After a few minutes, Molly introduced me to Grant and he quickly left for the bathroom while we went to the dance floor. At that point, I thought I would never see him again.
Grant somehow found us on the dance floor and my friends and I decided to go get food across the street with Grant tagging along.
We got our food and Grant paid for my meal. On the other side of the booth, my friends were half asleep on the table and Grant and I were in our own little world.
Grant kindly got us a ride home and very shyly asked for my number as I was getting out of the car.
We texted on and off for the next week or so. All the while I thought he was very sweet and cute.
Early the next week, as I was finishing up a long day, exhausted and in need of a shower and a good nights sleep, I got a text from Grant asking me to not 1 but 2 functions. The first one being a “date dash” that was happening in an HOUR, which put a kink in my calm evening plans.
My friends came over to help with one blow drying my hair, one helping with my outfit, all while I was scarfing down my dinner. All of this was happening while we were sheltered in my bathroom due to the incoming tornado outside.
Once I was finished getting ready, Grant picked me up and we went to the date dash and had a great time.
Four days later, while we were at his fall formal (the second of the 2 functions he had asked me to) I asked him if he would like to come home to Jackson with me the for the first weekend of Thanksgiving break. He said he would go but with the condition that I would officially be his girlfriend. So cheesy but so sweet.
And the rest is history!

Photos by Ashley Schurch Photography
Read about our engagement story here!
Thanks for reading!