Hi y’all! Today I’m sharing my current self tan routine and my honest review on the Loving Tan Deluxe Bronzing Mousse.
If you’ve been following me for a while, you know that I’ve tried a bunch of self tanners and written reviews on them. Here is my latest one on Coco & Eve!

I recently ran out of my Coco and Eve self tanner so I ran to Ulta to pick up the next one on my list to try — Loving Tan. I know a lot of people love Loving Tan and more specifically, the express tanner they make!
I, personally, prefer to tan the night before and sleep on it because it makes it so easy to just shower it off first thing the next day.
My first impressions of the tanning solution is that is blends very well in to the skin and dries extremely fast. I don’t feel sticky at all after applying it and letting it dry before putting on my pjs.
Also, according to my husband, who has had to stand all of the terribly smelly self tanners in the past, says that this one significantly smells less than the others I’ve tried! Huge plus.
I use the shade dark in the mousse and the face solution! Here are pictures of next day results:

My Routine:
I self tan once a week, usually on Wednesday night.
On Tuesday, when I shower, I make sure to exfoliate really well.
On Wednesday night, I use this tan remover and mitt in the shower in addition to shaving.
Before applying my self tanner, I put a little bit of body lotion around my ankles and wrists before going in with the mousse.
I use latex gloves, like these, to apply the mousse. I put a little in my hand and blend it in to my body in circular motions until it’s all absorbed. I’ve used a mitt to apply tanner in the past and I’ve found that the latex gloves work the best to get an even, dark, natural tan.
After I do my body, I take off the gloves and put a little mousse on this kabuki brush and blend it in to my hands.
After my hands are dry, I take my normal face moisturizer and put about a dime size amount of Sunny Honey in it. I mix those together and apply it to my face. I rinse my hands off after doing this!
The next morning, I go the gym, come back, shower (just with water & I usually wash my hair) and pat myself dry afterward. I apply lotion to my body as well!
The tan usually lasts me a week and I make sure to moisturize well after every shower to help it last longer.
Let me know what self tanner I should try next! Bondi Sands is on my list currently 🙂
Thanks for reading!