The Best Easy, Casual, & Festive Christmas Outfits

Hi y’all! Can you even believe Christmas is this weekend? I can’t!

I put together these outfits with Christmas/New Year’s in mind… but, in the sense that this is what you could wear during the downtime & in between.

Comfy, cozy, and festive!

I remember coming home for Christmas during college meant sweatshirts, sweatpants, and no makeup, everyday. Don’t get me wrong, it was great! But now that I’m a little older, maybe a little wiser, getting “dressed” just makes be feel better!

Especially during the holidays where everything blends together: eat, sleep, drink, repeat until it’s 2022…

I put these outfits together trying to keep comfort as #1 priority (always!).

I hope these outfits give you some inspo to be dressed but not dressed up too much!

Completely acceptable for running errands to get that last ingredient you forgot or for relaxing on the couch watching a Christmas movie!

Thanks for reading! Happy Holidays!

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