We Got A Puppy!

Hi y’all! Today I’m so excited to share that we finally got a puppy!

Grant and I always knew we wanted to get a dog, it was just a matter of time and apartment status (if y’all remember that whole situation) as well as finding a reputable breeder and a litter that had available puppies

We are so excited to share her with you all! We’ve named our little girl Remington. Remi, for short!

We are exhausted but SO in love! She has been such a good girl these past couple of days!

What Kind Of Puppy Did You Get?

We got a female German Shorthaired Pointer! GSP for short. Grant and I have always been drawn to GSP’s and have been learning lots about them for over a year now.

We’ve watched nearly all of Standing Stone Kennels videos on YouTube and learned SO much from them.

What Are GSP’s Known For?

German Shorthaired Pointers are amazing hunting dogs, specifically pheasants and birds in general.

Since the are hunting dogs, they can have a lot of energy but are also easily trainable and very affectionate dogs.

Are You Going To Hunt With Her?

Yes! Grant is planning on training her to get her ready for hunting season. She should be ready in a year from now when she turns 1.

How Did You Find Her?

Grant did a ton of research and ultimately found a great breeder through GoodDogs.com. We then got in contact with them and they sent over pictures and told us about certain puppies temperaments to see which would be the best fit for us.

When Did You Pick Her Up?

We flew to Detroit to pick her up this past Saturday, October 1st. I vlogged the whole trip and you can watch it here on my YouTube channel!

Let me know what other questions you might have in the comments! 🙂

Thanks for reading!

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